COVID measures stepped up in Southwark and Lambeth as cases rise
Southwark and Lambeth councils have stepped up efforts to encourage COVID-19 testing and vaccinations as the number of coronavirus cases rises in both boroughs.

Southwark Council says it is working with the NHS South East London CCG in several parts of the borough where there are relatively low rates of vaccine take-up in people over 40.
Community outreach will focus on providing accurate information about the vaccine, with additional activity such as door-knocking, targeted communications and organising more local vaccination popups.
Activity in London Bridge and West Bermondsey ward began this week, with letters from the borough's director of public health Sangeeta Leahy delivered to around 5,000 homes followed by door-knocking from trained vaccination champions.
They will talk to residents about getting the vaccine, if they have not yet had it, and signpost them to the 7 day walk-in vaccination clinic at Guy's Hospital. They will also hand out at-home COVID-19 testing kits.
Cllr Evelyn Akoto, Southwark's cabinet member for health and wellbeing, said: "We are pulling out all the stops to make it as easy as possible for residents to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine and where they are able to get their jab. In the coming days and weeks, we will be knocking on doors, speaking to residents directly and by letter, and promoting nearby vaccination clinics, so you may notice some activity in your area.
"Cases of COVID-19 are rising in Southwark, with most cases being the Delta variant. Two doses give much better protection against the Delta variant than one dose, so please remember to go along to your second jab."
In neighbouring Lambeth, all residents – especially 18- to 35-year-olds – are now being encouraged to take a PCR test, as well as seeking vaccination if they haven't already.
Cllr Jim Dickson, Lambeth's joint cabinet member for Health and social care, said: "The rise in cases is a serious concern especially given that the Delta Variant appears to be easier to spread between people.
"Younger people account for the majority of the new cases being reported, which is why we urge anyone in this age group to get a PCR test and get vaccinated as soon as they can.
"It is vital for everyone in our borough to be vigilant against the threat of COVID-19. The pandemic is not over yet and not all our vulnerable residents have received their first or second dose of the vaccine."
Details of testing in Lambeth can be found at