Druid Street cycle lanes - council asks for comments

Six months on from the creation of a segregated cycle lane on part of Druid Street, Southwark Council is inviting local residents and businesses to comment on how well the scheme is working.

Druid Street cycle lanes - council asks for comments

In May this year the council installed segregated cycle lanes on Druid Street (between Tanner Street in the west and Gedling Place in the east) and closed Gedling Place to motor traffic.

These measures were installed on a trial basis, and the council is now consulting to see how well this scheme has worked, and determine what changes need to be made and whether this scheme should be implemented on a permanent basis.

The cycle lanes on Druid Street and Gedling Place are intended to form part of a connecting route between Cycleway 14 at Tanner Street and Cycleway 10 at Willow Walk.

The council says: "There are competing demands on Druid Street, with residential properties on the northern side, and businesses housed in the railway arches to the south.

"We need your feedback to understand whether we have balanced these needs from the different users, and to help determine the future of the scheme."

The survey can be found at www.southwark.gov.uk/druidstreview and the closing date is Sunday 20 November.

Tags: Transport, Politics & local government, Bermondsey

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