Waterloo rat-run: Lambeth consults on plans for Frazier Street and Pearman Street

Lambeth Council has launched a public consultation on plans to prevent motor vehicles from using two Waterloo back-streets as a rat run.

Waterloo rat-run: Lambeth consults on plans for Frazier Street and Pearman Street

The council has invited local residents and road users to comment on plans to create a section of one-way on Frazier Street and a section of β€˜no motor vehicles’ restrictions on Pearman Street.

According to the council:

Based on reports from local residents, site observations, as well as through traffic data, Frazier Street and Pearman Street are used by traffic to avoid the main road network. The situation is exacerbated by the banned right turn from Baylis Road to Waterloo Road (southbound). This is causing congestion, pollution and a dangerous pedestrian environment in the local area, especially at the junction of Pearman Street and Frazier Street. Through these proposals, we want to ensure that through traffic stays on the main road network as much as possible, whilst retaining access for local residents.

If the changes go ahead, the council says it would also remove the 'no right turn' restriction for traffic turning right out of Baylis Road into Waterloo Road by The Old Vic.

The official consultation is open until Sunday 4 February

Further north on Frazier Street, the section of road near Oasis Academy Johanna is due to become a 'school street' - with part-time restrictions on motor vehicles - at some time between 2024 and 2026, according to a timetable published by the council last autumn.

Tags: Transport, Waterloo, Lambeth, Politics & local government

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