Neo Bankside owners apply to change pedestrian access hours
The two public routes through the Neo Bankside development next to Tate Modern could close an hour earlier in the evening as a response to an "increase in security-related issues".

When the Neo Bankside development on Holland Street was approved in 2007, the section 106 agreement between developers Native Land and Southwark Council required the provision of two north-south pedestrian routes across the site.
The agreement binds the owners to make the routes "available for public pedestrian access on every day between the hours of 8am and 8pm throughout the year".
The Neo Bankside Management Company has now applied to Southwark Council for permission to bring the hours forward by an hour, with the public being able to use the walking route between 7am and 7pm.
"The reason for the proposed change is to improve security to the site as we have a reduction in staff after 7pm and have seen an increase in security-related issues," says the management company in its application to the council.