Bermondsey’s St Mary Magdalen church on heritage at risk register

The church of St Mary Magdalen in Bermondsey Street - one of the oldest buildings in the area - has been added to Historic England's heritage at risk register.

Bermondsey’s St Mary Magdalen church on heritage at risk register

Each year Historic England – the Government's heritage watchdog – publishes a register of historic sites that are most at risk of being lost as a result of neglect, decay or inappropriate development.

The 2019 register was published this week and there is just one new addition in SE1: the church of St Mary Magdalen in Bermondsey Street.

Most of the church building dates from the late 17th century though parts of a 15th century structure are incorporated. There has been a church on the site since the 1200s.

Historic England has assessed the state of the grade II• listed building as "poor" and notes that a plan to improve its condition has yet to be agreed.

"There is a history of weak structure, not helped by remodelling in the 1830 and 1880s," notes Historic England.

"The roofs have been heavily repaired and strapped historically but are still under stress. This may be related to falls of plaster from ceilings."

Some work has been carried out in recent years: in 2013 the church was rededicated by the Bishop of Woolwich after works to restore and modernise parts of the building.

Several historic tombs in the council-maintained churchyard have been on the 'at risk' list for a number of years.

• We have invited the church to comment on its inclusion on the register.

Tags: History, Churches, Bermondsey

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