Last chance to comment on Tanner Street to Willow Walk cycle route plans
Southwark Council is seeking views on a new cycle route through Bermondsey, linking Cycleway 14 at Tanner Street with Cycleway 2 on Willow Walk.
Southwark Council is seeking views on a new cycle route through Bermondsey, linking Cycleway 14 at Tanner Street with Cycleway 2 on Willow Walk.
Arts & culture
This week councillors will decide on a licence application to reopen the former cinema in Bermondsey Square as a venue with a focus on LGBTQ+ film.
Long Lane is to get a new zebra crossing at the junction with Wild's Rents under new Southwark Council proposals recently given formal approval.
Government funds notionally reallocated from the cancelled second phase of the High Speed 2 rail line north of Birmingham have been used to repair road surfaces and pavements in three streets north of the Old Kent Road, Southwark Council said this week.
An Asda Express convenience store is in line to replace the short-lived Planet Organic shop in Bermondsey's Tower Bridge Road.
Politics & local government
The Information Commissioner has ruled that Southwark Council was in breach of the Freedom of Information Act when it took nearly two years to reply to a request for information about a troubled refurbishment programme of a council estate next door to its own HQ.
A planning application to convert the former Kino cinema at Bermondsey Square into alternative commercial use has been withdrawn after Southwark Council advised it was unlikely to be approved.
Police & crime
The convictions of two men who worked at the Bricklayers Arms railway goods depot have been quashed posthumously after an investigation Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC).
A Bermondsey primary school rebuilt less than a decade ago to expand its capacity from 30 to 60 pupils a year is consulting on plans to halve its annual admissions number.
The Co-op food store in Tower Bridge Road - which closed last year - has reopened as a franchise store linked a different part of the co-operative movement.
Politics & local government
Works to council-owned blocks of flats on Tooley Street budgeted at £5.9 million ended up costing more than £10 million, a Southwark scrutiny meeting has heard.
More than 1,800 people signed a petition presented to Southwark councillors on Wednesday night to object to job losses at Kintore Way Nursery in Bermondsey.
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