Marion Marples 1950-2019
Marion Marples - teacher, pilgrim, community worker and co-owner of this website - died suddenly on Tuesday 30 April.
Marion Marples - teacher, pilgrim, community worker and co-owner of this website - died suddenly on Tuesday 30 April.
Former Southwark Cathedral Provost David Edwards has died at the age of 89.
Hundreds of people gathered at St George's Cathedral on Thursday morning for the funeral of local historian and archivist Stephen Humphrey.
The Bishop of Woolwich, Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave, visited Blackfriars Road on Sunday to mark the 75th anniversary of the Blitz bombing raid that saw Christ Church Southwark destroyed.
The Bishop of Southwark came to the rebuilt St Hugh's church on Crosby Row on Saturday evening to preside at a service of dedication.
Parks & green spaces
The Tibetan Peace Garden opposite St George's Cathedral in Lambeth Road will be opened by the Dalai Lama on Thursday 13 May.
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