Waterloo Health Centre seeking new home
Waterloo's main GP surgery is seeking a new home after the landlords of its Lower Marsh premises decided to redevelop the building.
Waterloo's main GP surgery is seeking a new home after the landlords of its Lower Marsh premises decided to redevelop the building.
Historic England has commended the Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation's "thoughtful" plans to install new signage around the statue of Thomas Guy at Guy's Hospital.
Planning & Development
Plans for new life sciences laboratories, offices and homes close to St Thomas' Hospital have been approved by Lambeth councillors.
Cladding that doesn't meet current fire regulations is being removed from the Cancer Centre at Guy's Hospital, five years after concerns about the materials used in the £160 million building were identified in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower disaster.
The statue of Thomas Guy outside the hospital he founded has been put back on public display for the first time since it was covered up in summer 2020 amid controversy about the benefactor's possible financial links to the slave trade.
Inspectors have published a damning report on the Tower Bridge Care Home at Bricklayers Arms, downgrading its rating from 'requires improvement' to 'inadequate'.
Some outpatient clinics at St Thomas' Hospital could be relocated to Southwark Bridge Road this winter to free up space in the hospital to expand the emergency department to respond to seasonal demand.
A marquee has been installed outside St Thomas' Hospital so that patients queuing in the open air to get in to the emergency department can keep out of the rain.
A dementia patient was stuck in a locked cupboard and staff at her Southwark care home didn't report her missing for more than two hours after she was last seen.
A minister has given a non-committal answer to a question tabled by a Labour front bencher asking what the Government has done to secure the future of the COVID memorial wall on the South Bank.
NHS bosses have applied to Lambeth Council for permission to chop down a tree outside the main entrance to St Thomas' Hospital, claiming that pruning 'would render the tree unsightly in such a prominent location'.
Postal services
SE1 is to gain a new Post Office with the opening of a new counter at the St Thomas' Hospital branch of WHSmith.
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