Waterloo tops the Lambeth league for robbery and knife crime
New figures show that almost a quarter of all knife crime in Lambeth takes place in Waterloo and the South Bank, with nearly 30 per cent of personal robbery in the borough taking place in the same area.

Papers published for next week's meeting of Lambeth Council's Overview & Scrutiny Committee show that in the 12 months to June 2022, 143 knife crime offences were recorded in the former Bishop's ward (broadly comparable to the new Waterloo & South Bank ward).
This represents 23 per cent of all recorded knife crime offences across the whole borough of Lambeth, with the second-placed ward in the table, Brixton's Coldharbour ward, recording 67 offences (11 per cent) in the same period.
"This trend is to be expected given the high footfall that is experienced along the South Bank and Brixton Town Centre localities," the council report notes.
Six 'knife crime with injury' personal robbery offences were recorded in Waterloo and the South Bank during the year.
376 personal robbery offences were recorded in Bishop's ward in the year to June 2022, representing 29 per cent of the Lambeth borough total.
The council report says that "... Lambeth also includes a stretch of the South Bank, which while bringing tourists to the borough and subsequent financial investment, also attracts groups or individuals intent on committing crime in the area".