Waterloo station gains community piano

A community piano for commuters and local residents to play has been installed at Waterloo Station.

Waterloo station gains community piano

Appropriately, the piano has been installed in the area known as the 'orchestra pit' - the lower level concourse in front of the former Eurostar terminal (now The Sidings shopping and leisure complex).

The installation of the piano is a collaboration between Morley College, Waterloo Station, The Sidings, WeAreWaterloo BID and South Bank BID.

Matthew Cunningham of Morley College inaugurates the new piano

Over the coming months Morley College plans to organise a series of concerts at the station piano – and staff and students from the college were the first to play the piano at its launch event on Wednesday.

Whilst Waterloo now boasts a public piano, it is arguably outdone by London Bridge Station which has a pipe organ for passengers to play.

Tags: Waterloo, Transport, Arts & culture, Lambeth, Education

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